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  • If You Own Your Home And You Ever Have To Go Into Care, You Will Probably Have To Pay For Your Care Fees In Full!

  • You Cannot Be Sure Those You Would Wish To Benefit Will Actually Do So.

  • Your Spouse/Civil Partner Will Not Automatically Inherit All Of Your Estate.

  • ‘Common Law’ Partners May Not Receive Anything.

  • Minor Children Could Be Taken Into Care Whilst Guardians Are Appointed.

  • There Could Be Lengthy Delays For Your Beneficiaries And Disputes.

  • You Cannot Prevent Certain Family Members From Benefiting.

  • You Will Not Be Able To Leave Something To Friends, Colleagues Or Charities, Which Fall Outside Of The Rules Of Intestacy.

  • When someone dies without leaving a Will, dealing with their estate can be complicated. It can also take a long time - months, or even years in some very complex cases.

  • Do you have ‘in-laws’ who you would not like to receive or even gain control of your family assets?

  • Future Divorces or Separations in the family may dilute the assets which you have left for your children, grandchildren and further generations.

  • Have you left money to minors in the Will which you would rather be managed by members of the family rather than a local Solicitor, or worse still the Courts with the associated costs?

  • Have you left assets to a family member who receives disabled benefits from the state or other state benefits?

  • Are you concerned that if you go into Care your assets, especially your home can be lost to pay for your Care?


Why Do I Need a Will?
Family at a Beach


"2 Out of 3 People Still DO NOT Have a Will!"

There are a number of ways in which your home, savings and business are vulnerable to attack. We’re here to safeguard these hard earned assets for you and your family, using simple but effective strategies.

Irrespective of your age or the value of your estate, making a Will and putting your affairs in order is one of the most important tasks that you are likely to undertake. We are happy to meet you in our office, discuss over the phone or if you would prefer, we will arrange to visit you in the comfort of your own home, to assess your current situation, answer your questions and provide peace of mind for the future.

Our solutions are tailor-made to suit every set of personal circumstances and every pocket.

Looking after you, your family, and the generations to follow.

"If you have not yet made a Will, or answered yes to any of the above questions then contact us today for FREE no Obligation Chat"
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